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If you own a leather sofa or chair that has suffered damage or is showing signs of wear, think twice before you throw it away. Buying new leather isn’t your only option. The leather repairs experts at Leather Furniture Repairs Oadby can help. We offer you quality repairs at a fraction of the cost of buying new leather sofas and chairs, to keep your leather looking and feeling like new.

leather-repair-servcieOur leather repairs team will clean and repair your damaged leather on sofas and chairs of any age, shape or size. Don’t waste time and effort bringing your sofa in to a shop for repairs. Leather Furniture Repairs Oadby will bring the shop to you. When you call us, we’ll visit your home or office to assess the damage and provide you with the best options for repairs. All our work is performed on site.

Don’t wait for major damage to call for help from a leather repairs expert. The best time to address damage on your leather is as soon as it occurs. The Leather Furniture Repairs Oadby team will come to you for the smallest repairs on minor wear and tear. Taking care of wear and damage on your leather early can prevent the problem from spreading and save you from costly future repairs.

The team at Leather Furniture Repairs Oadby offers more than just on-site leather repairs. We can help with all aspect of leather sofa and chair repair. If your cushions are sagging, we can provide new padding. If your leather’s stitching is loose, we’ll fix or replace it. Our leather experts even provide deep cleaning and special treatments designed to renew and protect the finish on your leather.

Our entire leather repairs team is fully trained to provide you with strong, lasting repairs that keep your leather looking like new. Are you ready to book a visit from our leather repairs team? Would you like a free quote on your job? Call Leather Furniture Repairs Oadby today.